+1 310 226 8441

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Los Angeles CA 90010


9 AM - 5 PM PT

Monday to Saturday


Elisia Harkins-James — Founder & CEO.

Our History

The Dr. Barbara Seniors Harkins Foundation was established in 2005 by Elisia Harkins-James to help underprivileged children in the South Dade County area of Florida. This is the cause Dr. Harkins had devoted her life to before she passed in May 2005 and Elisia was determined to continue her good work. At present, Elisia is traveling between Homestead, Florida, where her home is, and Los Angeles, California, where she teaches film to High School children. Elisia has also produced a number of films, one of which aired on national television in July, 2008. Her goal is to return to Homestead to work for the Foundation full time. In 2015, the Foundation is proud to announce the establishment of a new scholarship being offered in the Los Angeles County area of California. This area has become special in the heart of Elisia as she has worked closer with the high school youth teaching film.

Meet Our Board Of Directors

Information Coming Soon

Our mission

Our mission is to educate, inspire, and motivate children

Dr. Barbara Seniors Harkins Foundation a non-profit foundation set up in 2005 to motivate underprivileged children to pursue education beyond high school. Dr. Barbara Seniors Harkins Foundation believes the way to achieve this is by combining studying with inspirational out-of- school activities. The foundation wants to define the next generation of scholars, not only by what they learn in the classroom, but also through their experiences beyond the text-books and outside of the traditional learning environments.


Information Coming Soon